In addition to those options, one could upgrade to the Creative Cloud Subscription in which Typekit access is included providing immediate access to Myriad Pro Light. I did provide options for licensing this or other fonts that may be “missing” with CS6. But that is water under the bridge at this point four years later. In retrospect, one could obviously argue whether we should have removed any fonts from the fonts bundled with the CS products. Alternatively, the document came from a user who separately licensed Myriad Pro Italic. It is also possible that the OP received documents originally created on a system that CS5 or CS5.5. Adobe uninstallers do not remove any installed fonts.

However, if the OP in fact licensed and installed such versions, created documents using said fonts, then upgraded to CS6, those installed fonts would have remained on their system. Yes, as you noted, previous versions, CS5 and CS5.5 did have these fonts bundled.

None of the configurations of Creative Suite 6 (either suites or individual applications) had Myriad Pro Light bundled. The question was with regards to CS6, not previous versions.